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Christian Ministries
Sword Of The Spirit Ministries Online An interdenominational christian ministry that aims at edifying the body of christ through testimonies, sermons, prayer, counselling, gospel music, preaching, teachings |
Blessed Lady Resource for christian women to grow spiritually in god offering devotionals and bible studies. |
Otros Rumbos Otros Rumbos es un portal alternativo para la juventud latinoamerica |
Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee The gourmet coffee caring for children. We sale a premium costa rica coffee and give all the profits to care for and support impoverished children. We offer a monthly coffee plan and allow other non profits to sale our coffee to help their missions. |
Cross Faith Ministry Where biblical history and scriptural literature from the lord's library can be read and studied by the entire family of god plus an in-depth study on roman's chapters 6 through 8, galatians, daniel, free graphics and much more. |
Spreading The Seeds. Online Newsletter The spreading the seeds newsletter is a grassroots christian, and biblically based periodical online newsletter that is designed to spiritually enrich,motivate,and inform christian entrepreneurs,business people and upwardly mobile professionals. |
Spiritual Growth We offer spiritual books, videos, and audio tapes for small groups, seminars, and personal growth. The best source for spiritual development books. |
Confessions Pastor Gene Loring provides weekly confessions for believers and those just curious. |
Christian Apologetics - Windmill Ministries Windmill ministries is a christian apologetics ministry that equips believers and challenges skeptics through the sharing of evidences for the foundations of the christian faith. Enjoy and research hundreds of pages of figures, facts, and finds. |
Sword Of The Spirit Prayer and praise ministry. To form and build friendships in christ. Link exchange and shopping links. |
Cross Faith Ministry Biblical history, scriptural literature, in-depth bible studies, sermons, live prayer, christian poetry, jesus slide show, bible characters slide show plus free pc bible. |
Youth Ministry Youth ministry architects has become the nation's leading provider of youth ministry consulting. |
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